Smart Bike Lets You Download Indoor Cycling Classes

Picture, if you will, a typical indoor cycling class. Rows of sweaty people peddling away, an intimidating drill sergeant figure at the front, looking as if they never stop working out. Lots of inspirational phrases being shouted; lots of encouragement to go around. Individual performers are mentioned by name.
Now, picture this happening in your very own living room.
That’s what Peloton offers. Peloton is a new company that specializes in manufacturing internet-connected stationary bikes that offer users the ability to stream classes live to the bike and have their exercise data sent to the instructor of that class. You get all the benefits of a big class and a highly trained instructor – without ever leaving home.
Peloton already has thousands of users, which is impressive for a fitness company that only has one brick and mortar studio. Founder and CEO John Foley realized early that what people love about these kinds of classes is the experience and the content. That made Foley, who has spent most of his career building brands online, think about streaming the lessons to people in their homes.
The bike itself costs almost $2,000, which certainly places it in the luxury category for most people. Foley, however, says that the money isn’t being made on the bikes themselves; the money, he says, is in the $39 a month subscription that users purchase for unlimited access to classes. Since they have already made a $2,000 investment, Foley believes that people will be less likely to cancel their subscriptions.
Most importantly, it eliminates one excuse for not exercising. Bringing the gym home, and making it interactive while it’s there, is a huge step in defeating exercise-induced procrastination.